Drum roll, please… The one thing that everyone who relies on digital marketing needs if they want to scale their business is… professional, well-written copy, AKA a copywriter!
What is this “copywriter,” you might ask? Well, allow me to explain.
Long story short, a copywriter is a writer, who writes online content for businesses. But that’s not all they do; a copywriter specifically designs your content to make whatever you’re offering irresistible to your ideal clients. This can include anything and everything from the text on your website to your email campaigns, “thank you” notes, and social media post captions.
I’m sure you’re wondering, “Can’t I just do that myself? I got an A+ in my creative writing class sophomore year!” Well, sure you can, but there are two major reasons why you really shouldn’t.
Number one: Identify your field of genius; stay there. Most of us business owners come from an artistic or creative background and typically aren’t the best at selling stuff, let alone selling via online text. This is a growing issue for business owners as the digital world has completely changed the way that consumers shop. If your digital platforms aren’t grabbing your ideal clients by the hand and whisking them away to “let me solve all your problems land” then they’re basically a waste of time and money. A copywriter is a professional wordsmith, they know how to sell with words. If you’ve never done this before, there’s a good chance it won’t come naturally to you. But don’t be discouraged, it’s a skill that has to be learned and practiced.
As a business owner, it is necessary to realize that your customers are more versed and engaged with the digital world than ever before; they know “hokey-pokey” when they see it. Your copy needs to be fluent in the type of language and tone that your ideal clients relate with and trust.
You may be able to produce some surface-level copy that sounds nice and looks appealing, but it’s unlikely that it will provoke your ideal clients to investigate your offerings further.
Now, on the other hand, a copywriter already knows how to leverage the culture, slang, and tone used in the industry they are writing for. This means they are going to be able to write copy that is so fluent and on point with what your ideal clients are looking for, it will stop them dead in their tracks and have them wanting more from you.
Number two: Copywriting is NOT the writing you learned in school. You may be fantastic at MLA format, but that won’t do you any good when it comes to writing great copy. A great copywriter writes the way that a best friend talks to their pal. It’s conversational, emotional, humorous, and sometimes even grammatically incorrect. Yup. You read that right.
To write great copy, you need to completely unlearn the boundaries that you were taught in your education. You have to learn how to make every single word pull at your reader’s heartstrings. Copywriting is rhythmic and lyrical, it’s a living and diverse set of languages that must be studied in order to be mastered.
As a small business owner, I know from firsthand experience that a professional copywriter is a total game-changer when it comes to creating digital content that actually produces more sales. And, as the creative director of a digital marketing program for several other small business owners, I can confidently say that professional copywriting is essential for anyone with their feet in the digital marketing world. If you’re feeling like you’d like a little more guidance on how to get started with a professional copywriter or a digital marketing program, reach out to me today and we can start a conversation about how to integrate these important tools into your business!